Student Blogs from China (1)
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????:Saying goodbye to everyone was hard, but once I got to the security area in the airport, I could feel nothing but excitement. I got on the plane and it was so hot, but I fell asleep right away. I woke up five hours later and thought about Beijing and what it would be like when I got there. When we landed, I was pretty nervous that I wouldn't be able to communicate with Rose's parents, that I wouldn't like the food and that I would be too homesick. However, when I saw all of the exchange students, the bad feelings vanished. I immediately hugged all of them, took photos and I couldn't stop smiling. Rose and her parents were very kind to me and excited to see me. They took my bags and we walked to the car. I noticed outside that almost everyone was smoking, but the air wasn't bad. Rose said that the air that night was amazing! I also saw tons of bright signs that lit up the whole city. It was so cool! I was tired in the car, but I didn't sleep, I just talked to Rose and took in everything around me. When we got to the apartment an hour later, I noticed that Rose practically had a zoo at her home! She had one dog, one cat, one turtle, one hamster, two frogs, two turtles, two medium-sized fish and over 30 baby fish. The cat was very sweet to me, but the dog was nervous and wouldn't stop barking. I then had some fruits that rose's mom had cut up for us. They were very similar to the fruits I had in Wayland: banana, pear, apple and orange. I then watched a little bit of tv, but it was all in Mandarin so I only understood some parts. I then went to bed and when I looked out the window I could see a really pretty part of the city. I was so excited to see what the next day would bring me! ???????!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 11, 2017 at 5:56 AM
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